Tor Bank School


02890 484147

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About Us 

Principal's Welcome

Claire Breen, Principal
Claire Breen, Principal

 Dear Parents & Guardians

On behalf of everyone at Tor Bank School, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to share in a greater understanding of the role and function of Tor Bank School by viewing our website.

Tor Bank is a supportive and empathetic community in which parents, teachers, classroom assistants, therapists, nursing staff and other interested parties share and work in collaboration to design and implement programmes to meet the holistic needs of the individual pupil with complex learning preferences. An effective and successful programme requires all partners to be committed to the long term goal of making the individual young person a more independently functioning member of a society in which he or she is expected to live and work both presently and in the future. The curriculum offered throughout the school reflects this `ideal' and hopefully after reading our prospectus you will agree that it focuses on providing a curriculum which is functional, relevant and pupil centred with the ultimate aim of helping the pupil to realise his or her potential successfully.

Yours sincerely

Claire Breen

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Contact Us

Tor Bank School
5 Dunlady Road

BT16 1TT 
Telephone: 02890484147
Fax: 02890489654